Why Netanyahu Is Right to Go Around Obama To Congress
by Marc A. Thiessen • The Washington Post Do they talk this way about Iranian President Hassan Rouhani? After learning that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…
by Marc A. Thiessen • The Washington Post Do they talk this way about Iranian President Hassan Rouhani? After learning that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…
By Caroline Glick • RealClearPolitics Iran has apparently produced an intercontinental ballistic missile whose range far exceeds the distance between Iran and Israel, and between Iran…
In 2009 Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl left his unit without permission and was captured by the Taliban. Bergdahl was held for five years until President Obama traded five high ranking Taliban…
Members of the Judiciary Committee need to get answers from Obama’s nominee for attorney general. By Peter Roff • U.S.News This week, Iowa Republican Sen. Charles…
By Frederick M. Oberlander and Richard E. Lerner • The Hill When confirmation hearings begin today for Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney…
By Katie Pavlich • The Hill On Wednesday, Loretta Lynch, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, will raise her right hand in…
Executives at a Bermudan firm funneling money to U.S. environmentalists run investment funds with Russian by Lachlan Markay • Washington Free Beacon A shadowy Bermudan company…
For the French, it is almost surreal to see how the White House avoids using the phrase ‘radical Islam.’ By Laure Mandeville • The Wall Street…
By Justin Haskins • The New York Post “I’m sorry sir,” the polite Healthcare.gov customer-service agent said. “There’s nothing I can do. You’re either going to…
Senators should probe her disregard for the rights of crime victims By George Landrith • The Washington Times The president’s nomination of Loretta Lynch to be…
by Ron Fournier • NationalJournal President Obama ended his State of the Union address where he started his political ascent—offering to be a leader who produces can-do…
Dear Mr. Chairman: We write to you today to express our concerns that Loretta Lynch, the President’s nominee for attorney general of the United States, and prosecutors in her employ…
by Fred Barnes • The Weekly Standard We know that supply-side economics emphasizes serious cuts in tax rates and Keynesianism relies on massive amounts of government…
By Marine Le Pen • The New York Times “To misname things is to add to the world’s unhappiness.” Whether or not Albert Camus really did…
Republicans recently mapped out possible moves in light of a Supreme Court case on deck this summer. By John Fund • National Review Online It’s a…