The Dems and climate change: a ship of fools!
One of the pillars of the internationalist world view that is solemnly proclaimed by the establishment is the dogma of climate change – what it is and how to fix…
One of the pillars of the internationalist world view that is solemnly proclaimed by the establishment is the dogma of climate change – what it is and how to fix…
What is the motivating force which could impel such an amazing reaction of youngsters all over the world (except China)? Clearly, the threat of extinction is taken so seriously by…
I am not a scientist. I have no scientific background beyond what I’ve picked up from reading things written by and about actual scientists. So I am, therefore, in no…
Lynn Townsend White Jr., an American historian from Princeton, wrote an influential essay in 1967, at the height of the cultural revolution in Western campuses, arguing that Christianity and Judeo-Christian values are…
Solar panels and wind turbines are making electricity significantly more expensive, a major new study by a team of economists from the University of Chicago finds. Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) “significantly increase…
Donald Trump is many things. But one thing he is not is a defender of the 2009-2016 status quo and accepted progressive convention. Since 2017, everything has been in flux.…
His ‘Clean Energy Revolution’ echoes Obama-Biden’s eco-failures. Former vice president Joe Biden’s Clean Energy Revolution exploded on the launch pad Tuesday. Large, now-attributed passages of his manifesto against so-called global warming initially…
By Peter Roff • MY Journal Courier Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed new regulations that could dramatically ramp up the use of ethanol, a corn-based bio-fuel that can…
By George Landrith • Houston Chronicle The Trump administration is working to slow down the implementation of a major international environmental regulation that’s set to take effect in 2020. The…
By Jim Geraghty • National Review Take some time to peruse the “Green New Deal” in writing. The deal includes a plan to “cut military spending by at least half”…
By Robert Bryce • National Review The energetic chatter of the moment is dominated by talk about the Green New Deal — a collection of proposals that would require running…
by Peter Roff • Washington Examiner Only in Washington would a congressional committee recommend a one-year extension of the tax credit for electric vehicles (in this case motorcycles) the day…
By Stephen Moore • Investor’s Business Daily This has been a colder-than-usual winter in the Midwest and Northeast, so many Americans are facing high home heating and electric bills. In…
by Julie Kelly • National Review A new study by Environmental Progress (EP) warns that toxic waste from used solar panels now poses a global environmental threat. The Berkeley-based group…
In 2012, the Obama Administration pushed through a dramatic increase in Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards — jumping the fleet average mileage mandates to 54.5 miles per gallon by…