Jobs Numbers Tank Showing Obama’s Policy Failures
by Peter Morici • FoxNews The U.S. economy created only 142,000 jobs in August, down from 212,000 in July, indicating the economy significantly slowed this summer. Job creation…
by Peter Morici • FoxNews The U.S. economy created only 142,000 jobs in August, down from 212,000 in July, indicating the economy significantly slowed this summer. Job creation…
by T. Becket Adams • Washington Examiner As lawmakers return to Washington to continue the search for thousands of missing subpoenaed emails related to the Internal Revenue Service’s…
New York Post Editorial Board Some 15 months after Americans learned about the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups, we still have no clue how such an abuse was allowed to…
by Michael Barone • Washington Examiner “The tax system should be simplified and work for all Americans with lower individual and corporate tax rates and fewer brackets.” That’s…
by Seth Mandel • Commentary If the latest revelations about the IRS are correct, then its officials have approached the abuse-of-power scandal with a clear strategy,…
by CJ Ciaramella • Free Beacon A government watchdog group announced Monday that it is suing a dozen federal agencies for improperly delaying Freedom of Information…
by Noah Rothman • Oh, he didn’t come right out and admit that, but White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest communicated his bewilderment perfectly…
In Kentucky, Elaine Chao Endures Racist Attacks From Liberals by Ron Christie • Daily Beast The former Republican Secretary of Labor has had to deal with a number of…
by the Editorial Board • Detroit News President Barack Obama continues to describe the growing evidence that the IRS intentionally targeted conservative groups as a phony…
There must be accountability for the CIA’s snooping on senators by the Editorial Board, New York Daily News Long spook story simple and short: The CIA got caught spying on…
by Ed Rogers Anyone paying attention to the Internal Revenue Service scandal has been waiting for the next smidgen to drop. Well, two more hit pretty hard this week. At…
Editors Note: When George W. Bush was the president, when gas prices increased, the mainstream media howled about the price increases, price gouging, and windfall profits. The Democratically controlled Congress held hearings on…
The comparison reflects poorly on the Obama Administration and the facts show an important difference – which reflects poorly on Obama himself. The Benghazi investigation should go forward but with…
Liberals can say whatever they want, but attack conservatives for a “war on women.” by Peter Roff For all the talk of the “war on women” supposedly being waged by…
by Sean Long Like a simple parlor trick, the networks are able to make skeptical scientists vanish, at least from the eyes of their viewers. In some cases, the broadcast…