Sherrod Brown Ad – Ohio (English)

Bob Casey Ad – Pennsylvania (English)

Sherrod Brown Ad – Ohio (Spanish)

Bob Casey Ad – Pennsylvania (Spanish)

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 18, 2024 – Conservative group Frontiers of Freedom Action today expanded its ad campaign targeting vulnerable Senate Democrats for the Democrat Party’s record of anti-Catholic bigotry. The spot takes aim at candidates in the battleground states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, in addition to Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

“We had a tremendous response to both our Hispanic-language and English-language ads in the largest nightly news slots in Phoenix, where viewers sometimes saw our two-minute ad twice in the same news hour. We also hit Spanish media in New Mexico and Nevada, and we are now extending those efforts against Rosen and Heinrich,” said George Landrith, president of the group.

“The big news is we are now moving east and doing both English and Hispanic broadcasts against Bob Casey in Pennsylvania and Sherrod Brown in Ohio. There are 60,000 Hispanics in Columbus, where we are advertising in Ohio, and half a million in Philadelphia, where we are on Spanish TV,” said Landrith. “Both Brown and Casey are either tied with or behind their Republican opponents. Brown is particularly vulnerable because he’s trying to separate himself from the extremist left-wing record he has established and trying to say he’s not going to do that anymore. Meanwhile, Casey, who was once pro-life and is has long identified as a Catholic, has all the same problems that Brown and the other candidates have with their party’s record of anti-Catholic bigotry and his failure to stand up to it or denounce it.”

The ad focuses on the candidates’ “cruel war” against the Little Sisters of the Poor, Democrats’ imposition of an “unconstitutional religious test” against Catholics nominated to serve in the federal judiciary, the left’s support of gender ideology, and their persecution of Catholics who uphold the Church’s teachings on life.

“Our whole point has been that many Mexican Americans remember the persecution of the Church, and so we have emphasized that in the Southwest. Our ads also talk about the persecution of the Church in many Hispanic countries, including Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. That’s why we think Hispanic voters in Ohio and Pennsylvania, as well as Catholic voters, will be outraged by the records of the two incumbents in failing to respond to anti-Catholic bigotry in their party,” said Landrith.

The transcript for the English version of the ad in Ohio can be found below:

The little sisters of the poor give up their lives to care for the elderly and homeless.But Sherrod Brown joined the Democratic Party’s cruel war against them by giving the winning vote to the 23 Attorney Generals trying to force the sisters to violate their faith and pay for abortion pills.

Sherrod Brown went along with Kamala Harris and Democratic senators who sought to impose an unconstitutional religious test against Catholics to make Catholics give up their faith to become judges or hold office. 

Sherrod Brown supported the Harris-Biden administration’s gender craziness,
forcing Catholic schools to destroy women’s sports and allow men in women’s locker rooms. 

Brown supported the Harris-Biden administration’s attempts to force Catholic doctors, nurses, and hospitals to perform abortions.

Brown never protested the Harris-Biden use of SWAT team tactics and jailing of peacefully protesting pro-life activists.

Brown also refused to speak out against the Harris-Biden use of the FBI to target traditional Catholics as potential terrorist threats and he won’t criticize the FBI director for his false testimony.

Brown is a pro-abortion extremist, supporting unrestricted up to the moment of birth abortions, paid for by taxpayers, and even voted against legislation that would protect newborn abortion survivors.

He even refused to speak out against a Democratic governor justifying the killing of children who survive abortions.

Sherrod Brown stayed silent even as the Harris-Biden White House mocked Catholics and all Christians by replacing the traditional Easter Sunday proclamation with the offensive transgender day of visibility.

He never went on the record about the Harris-Biden administration’s initial refusal to allow the Knights of Columbus to celebrate a Catholic Mass on Memorial Day, a clear act of religious bigotry, and an assault on all veterans.

Latino-American families remember.

Latino-Americans remember how evil governments in Mexico, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela hated the church and Catholics and how they persecuted priests, nuns, and laypeople.

Latino-Americans know from history that this must not happen here in America.

Ask Sherrod Brown why he has supported so many bigoted anti-Catholic measures.

Ask Sherrod Brown why he won’t speak out against the anti-Catholic bigotry in the Democratic Party.

Viva Cristo Rei, Viva the Virgin of Guadalupe. Frontiers of Freedom Action is responsible for the content of this ad.

Pennsylvania Spots (Bob Casey) ——–>  English                   Spanish

Ohio Spots (Sherrod Brown) ————–>  English                   Spanish

Arizona Spots (Ruben Gallego) ———>   English                   Spanish

Nevada Spots (Jacky Rosen) ———–>     English                   Spanish

New Mexico Spots (Martin Heinrich)—–> English                   Spanish

AMAC: Anti-Catholic Bigotry TV Spots Hit Ohio’s Brown And Penn’s Casey In Five-State Push

Real Clear Politics:

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