The Logic of International Intellectual Property Protection
by Randolph J. May and Seth L. Cooper • Free State Foundation Securing protection of American intellectual property (IP) rights internationally is an economic imperative. It…
FBI Has Enough Evidence to Prosecute Hillary Clinton for Public Corruption
by John Sexton • Breitbart An investigation into possible mishandling of classified information on Hillary Clinton’s private email server has expanded to consider whether Clinton’s work as…
Denying the Obvious About Islamist Terror
After another ISIS-inspired shooting, Philadelphia’s mayor joins the chorus: It’s not about religion, no sir. by Dorothy Rabinowitz • Wall Street Journal It required only half…
Kenyan President Successfully Argues for Mass ICC Withdrawal at African Union Summit
Below are several excerpts from Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s speech as well as some video of the intense, perhaps pivotal moment in Africa’s complicated relationship with the International Criminal Court……
The Global Slowdown Hits the U.S.
America dodged the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, but much has changed. Today’s world economic slide is starting to hurt us. by Ruchir Sharma • Wall…
A recession worse than 2008 is coming
by Michael Pento • CNBC The S&P 500 has begun 2016 with its worst performance ever. This has prompted Wall Street apologists to come out in…
Top 10 Lies in Obama’s State of the Union
by Joel B. Pollak • Breitbart President Barack Obama promised his final State of the Union address would be short. Dana Bash of CNN called it…
Yellen’s Job Puzzle: Why Are 20-Somethings Retiring?
Americans are increasingly foregoing paychecks due to disability, school or retirement by Kasia Klimasinska How come more people are retiring in their early 20s? Why are middle-age men becoming stay-at-home…
The Dangers of Victor’s Justice in Côte d’Ivoire
“The specter of a government pursuing investigations and prosecutions of the former regime while blatantly ignoring—or worse, covering up—its own crimes and misdeeds will very likely deepen mistrust across the…
Fatou Bensouda Fares Poorly in the Conflict Zone
You’re like the surgeon who comes to a patient, the patient dies, and you’re saying, “But it was a great operation! We did a great job!” But the patient died. —…
In New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton throws Benghazi families under the bus
by Jazz Shaw • Hot Air The GOP primary has probably been the best thing to happen to Hillary Clinton in years. There was a period…
Will 2016 Bring the Collapse of China’s Economy?
China’s global dominance, something analysts say is inevitable, will have to wait. by Gordon G. Chang • The National Interest Last Monday, at the conclusion of China’s…
Saudi-Iran crisis a rebuke for US policy
By Dave Clark and Nicolas Revise • Yahoo Washington’s single-minded pursuit of the Iran nuclear deal damaged its alliance with Saudi Arabia, experts say, and fed…
How Liberals Are the New Autocrats
Progressives may preach the joys of localism, but the trend in government is all the other way in everything from climate change to the economic complexion of your neighborhood. by…
How the High Court Could Shake Up the 2016 Campaign
From immigration to abortion to the power of unions, the Supreme Court is entering this election year with a full plate of politically charged cases. by Sam Baker …