Why Does U.S. Economic Performance Continue To Decline?
by Francis Menton • Manhattan Contrarian The government’s latest GDP numbers, through Q2 2015, are now out, and they include some revisions to Q1, as well…
Hillary Clinton’s empty excuses on emailing classified info
By Victoria Toensing and Pete Hoekstra • New York Post The recent nonpartisan findings of the inspectors general of the State Department and the intelligence community…
EPA’s double standard
by Herald Staff • Boston Herald Sure accidents happen — it’s why we call them accidents. But you can bet if some oil company had been…
Yet More ICC Infighting
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny Last week we noted International Criminal Court Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda’s much-hailed rejection of a pre-trial chamber’s request that she reconsider her decision not to pursue a case against…
Jailtime For IRS’ Political Hacks
by IBD Editorial Staff • Investor’s Business Daily After a year’s stalling by the IRS, the Senate Finance Committee has released its bipartisan report, denouncing the…
IRS Scandal – Blame It All On Lois Lerner And Move On?
by Peter J Reilly • Forbes According to statements by Senators Hatch and Wyden the Senate Finance Committee report on the IRS scandal (now on Day…
The Obama economy has SERIOUS problems
by Heather Long • CNN High on the Republican presidential candidates’ list of talking points is the Obama economy. Specifically, bashing it. They have some grist…
Obama Puts Fear Before Facts on Iran
by The Editors • Bloomberg View President Barack Obama took to the airwaves today, aiming to sell Congress and the American people on the wisdom of…
Obama: My way — or you’re a traitor
by Kyle Smith • New York Post Even for President Obama, it was an outrageous statement, and he needs to apologize to the nation for it.…
Jerry Brown Bans the Word “Alien” From California Labor Law
by Joel B. Pollak • Breitbart SB 432, introduced by State Sen. Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia), removes the term “alien,” previously defined as “any person who is…
Just who is helping Iran’s hard-liners?
by Charles Krauthammer • Washington Post The latest Quinnipiac poll shows that the American public rejects the president’s Iran deal by more than 2 to 1.…
EPA: America’s Number One Polluter
by Ben Wolfgang • The Washington Times The political fallout from last week’s toxic spill at Colorado’s Gold King Mine intensified Monday, with critics saying the…
Dershowitz: Iran deal will fall apart
by Alan M. Dershowitz • USAToday The Framers of our constitution probably would have regarded the nuclear deal with Iran as a “treaty,” subject to a…
Hillary Clinton’s e-mail problem isn’t going away
by Chris Cillizza • Washington Post On Tuesday night, the Post reported that the FBI was looking into the security precautions that then Secretary of State…
Putin the Gambler
by Dr. Miklos K. Radvanyi • Washington Times The failure of Soviet totalitarianism ultimately brought down the Soviet Union itself in 1991. In the years following…