The International Criminal Court: Money Well Spent?
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny Kenya recently settled its outstanding 2014 “contributions” to the International Criminal Court with a €26,110 ($28,542) payment, according to the Court’s Report of the Committee on Budget…
White House Claims Climate Change Causes Terrorism
by Paul Bedard • Washington Examiner Stepping up his war on global warming and bolstering the Environmental Protection Agency’s plan to put new restrictions on coal-fired…
غرابة الأطوار تتزايد: كبلاد للعجائب، لاهاي تفوح نفاقاً
قمنا من قبل بالإشارة لظاهرة ممارسة بعض الدول لمفهوم تسليط العدالة الدولية على الغير و أستثناء أنفسهم منها. هذه الظاهرة تلازم المناداة بتدخل المحكمة الجنائية الدولية. و ما حدث هذا…
Curiouser and Curiouser: Hague Hypocrisy As Wonderland
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny We’ve noted previously the hammer-of-international-justice-for-thee-but-not-for-me phenomenon that seems to go hand in hand with pleas for International Criminal Court intervention, and this week has provided no exception…
Feds Spent $100 Billion on Food Assistance Last Year
109,930,090 Americans participated in overlapping programs by Elizabeth Harrington • Washington Free Beacon The federal government spent $100 billion providing food assistance to Americans last year,…
40 percent of unemployed have quit looking for jobs
by Jeff Cox • CNBC At a time when 8.5 million Americans still don’t have jobs, some 40 percent have given up even looking. The revelation,…
BUSTED: Paul Krugman removed 20 years of data from a chart to show a correlation that wasn’t really there
by Cullen Roche • Business Insider Someone sent me an email Wednesday evening with some details on the Paul Krugman response to James Montier, which I…
The Dead We Honor
by Post Editorial Board • The New York Post Memorial Day inspires mixed emotions: pride in the valor of those who gave their lives in the…
Oops! Updated NASA Data Reveals No Global Warming Polar Ice Retreat
By P.J. Gladnick • NewsBusters Talk about poor timing! Just as President Obama is about to give the commencement address at the Coast Guard Academy on…
Oregon to test pay-per-mile idea as replacement for gas tax
Oregon is about to embark on a first-in-the-nation program that aims to charge car owners not for the fuel they use, but for the miles they drive. The program is…
EPA power grab looks like Obamacare redux
by Peter Roff • Washington Examiner Everyone remembers former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ill-advised comment that the Affordable Care Act would have to pass so that…
Al-Shabab Aims to Turn Jihad in Somalia into Nationalist War Against Kenya
by Dr. Lawrence A. Franklin Al-Shabab, the Somalia-based terrorist group, appears to have adopted a new strategy to turn its Islamist war into a nationalist conflict targeting Kenya. Following al-Shabab’s…
Why Stephanopoulos tarnished his credibility by hiding his Clinton Foundation donations
by Howard Kurtz • Fox News For 18 years, George Stephanopoulos has tried to leave behind his political past as a Clinton Democrat and establish himself…
For Folks Who Just Love Suppressing Free Speech
By Charles Lipson • RealClearPolitics The Canadian government of Stephen Harper has a fascinating idea. Use hate-crime laws against groups that advocate boycotting Israel. It’s a…
Pay No Attention to the Aspiring Transnational Behemoth Behind the Curtain
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny Perhaps you’ve been concerned about the International Criminal Court because of the shamelessly selective enforcement of its purported mission. Or the rent-seeking tendencies hardwired into…