The Left’s Silencing of College Campuses
By Kirsten Powers • The Daily Beast The root of nearly every free-speech infringement on campuses across the country is that someone—almost always a liberal—has been…
U.S. Emergency-Room Visits Keep Climbing
By Stephanie Armour • Wall Street Journal Emergency-room visits continued to climb in the second year of the Affordable Care Act, contradicting the law’s supporters who…
Media Gives President a Pass Again
The media has by and large given President Obama’s failed Afghanistan policy a pass—just as it has his larger foreign policy missteps. by Walter Russell Mead • …
No Escape: How The International Criminal Court Will Impact the 2016 U.S. Presidential Race
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny Over at The Washington Times today Center for Freedom and Prosperity President Andrew F. Quinlan presents the International Criminal Court as Exhibit A in his case for why, despite the fact that…
المحكمة الجنائية الدولية تدخل إلى أكبر مستودع ذخيرة في العالم ملوحة بشعلة
كاتبا في موقع الديلي بيست، عدد أندرو نوفاك قائمة مقنعة من الأسباب التي توضح لم أن فلسطين «ليس من المرجح أن ترى نتائجا مترتبة على ملاحقة قضائية من [المحكمة الجنائية…
‘Irreversible’ Arctic Ice Loss Seems To Be Reversing Itself
by Michael Batasch • Daily Caller For years, scientists have been warning the Arctic was in a “death spiral” and could soon be ice-free during the…
Eric Holder’s Legacy
by Gregg Jarrett • Fox News Eric Holder is now the former attorney general of the United States. Which invites the question: what will his legacy…
VA Reform Stalled by Lack of Accountability
by Pete Hegseth • RealClearPolitics We now know without a doubt what it means when a scandal-ridden government agency pledges accountability for corrupt and underperforming employees:…
The ICC Runs Into the World’s Largest Powder House Waving A Torch
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny Over at the Daily Beast Andrew Novak lays out a persuasive list of reasons why Palestine is “unlikely to see results from an [International Criminal Court] prosecution for many years, if…
Don’t Import Canada’s Ideas on Health Care
by Sally Pipes • RealClearPolitics Move aside, maple syrup. Canada has a hot new export — single-payer health care. The New York State Assembly may soon…
الواجهة المتهاوية: عجز المحكمة الجنائية الدولية يعطي الدول الأعضاء ذائعة الصيت مبررا للنظر بعيدا عنها
ما هو سوء الفهم الأكثر شيوعا فيما يتعلق المحكمة الجنائية الدولية؟ ببساطة: هو خطابها المتعالي الذي يمثل نهاية وليس وسيلة. بالتأكيد، أنصار المحكمة الأكثر صدقا قد يقولون أن المحكمة الجنائية…
المحكمة الجنائية الدولية و كونها كحصان يعرج مدججا بالسلاح
في أستراليا، ابتدع المحامي المرموق جوليان برنسايد طريقة لاعتراض هوس المحكمة الجنائية الدولية الأحادي بالإفارقة، و لو لوقت وجيز، عن طريق إستدراجه عملاق العدالة الدولية ذو الطموح إلى الجانب المتعثر…
The International Criminal Court As Weaponized Hobby Horse
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny Over in Australia “prominent barrister” Julian Burnside has come up with a plan to break, however briefly, the International Criminal Court’s monomaniacal fixation on Africans…by luring the the…
Sen. David Perdue: Obama Runs ‘Country Without Congress’
Abuse of executive powers threatens democracy by Adam Kredo • Washington Free Beacon President Barack Obama’s abuse of executive power privileges has essentially frozen Congress out…
Watchdog Group Calls for Ethics Investigation of Baldwin
Wisconsin senator accused of cover-up of lack of action in Tomah VA scandal by CJ Ciaramella • Washington Free Beacon Calls are mounting for the Senate…