Iranian Warships Arrive Near Yemen
Comes just days after U.S. announced it would send its own warships by Adam Kredo • Washington Free Beacon A fleet of Iranian warships arrived near…
Rick Perry: ‘Outrageous’ Lack of Accountability After Veterans Scandal
Documents show few have been fired in wake of scandal at VA hospitals by Brent Scher • Washington Free Beacon Rick Perry, the former governor of…
How Iran Outfoxes U.S.
by Aaron David Miller • CNN If I had to describe the U.S.-Iranian relationship in one word it would be “overmatched.” We’re playing checkers on the…
Happy Earth Day 2015: The Earth is doing just fine, thank you
by Stephen Moore • Fox News Wednesday, April 22 is Earth Day. To hear the experts like Usher and Al Gore tell the story, the planet…
Liberals Raise Money By Lying About the Climate
by John Hinderacker • PowerLine I suppose it was Earth Day that prompted a mass email on climate from the Democratic Party. What is striking about…
Federal Agency Abuses
How the Constitution Protects Us From Abuse and Stops the Abusers By George Landrith News reports of federal agencies abusing the rights of Americans and violating the law have become…
Patent Trolls Don’t Contribute to Innovation – They Impose a Private Tax
by George Landrith • Breitbart Trial lawyers trying to hold parts of the legal system hostage to make money is nothing new. It always happens the…
Obama Hid North Korea Rocket Component Transfer to Iran
By Ari Yashar • Israel National News US intelligence officials revealed that during the ongoing Iran nuclear negotiations, North Korea has provided several shipments of advanced…
The Impotence Machine Roars to Life Again: The ICC and Boko Haram
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny In a scathing, disquieting op-ed marking the one year anniversary of the abduction of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram terrorists Global Justice Center President Janet Benshoof pulls…
Crumbling Facade: ICC Impotence Gives High Profile Member States Wandering Eyes
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny The most common misperception regarding the International Criminal Court? Simple: That its lofty rhetoric represents an end rather than a means. Sure, the Court’s most…
Obama Deal With Iran In Trouble
by Michael Barone • Washington Examiner Is the tide turning against President Obama’s purported nuclear weapons deal with Iran? One sign that the answer is yes…
Select Women Receive Opportunity to Fail Other Women (And Everyone Else)
By Shawn Macomber • Lawfare Tyranny A few weeks ago we noted the International Criminal Court had reaffirmed its commitment to fail women, but it seems the aspiring transnational behemoth continues to…
1001 Circular Persian Charades
by Peter Huessy “The details of the deal are not important. Iran will or will not make nuclear weapons as it sees fit. The significance of the deal is the…
There’s No Deterring an Apocalyptic Nuclear Iran
Letting it get the bomb would be the most catastrophic decision in the history of humanity. By Thomas Sowell • National Review Recent statements from United…
Obama Gets His Iran Nuclear Deal But Was It Worth It
Obama got his deal, but can he trust Iran to keep its word? By Peter Roff • U.S. News President Barack Obama and Secretary of State…