Friends In High Places: Why North Korea Does Not Fear the ICC
By Shawn Macomber Ever wonder why the official International Criminal Court logo has a set of scales but no equivalent of the blindfolded “Lady Justice”? Kim Jong-un doesn’t — he…
Mission Creep: Is the ICC Circling American Troops?
By Shawn Macomber In a troubling report over at the Heritage Foundation entitled “U.S. Refusal to Ratify Rome Statute Vindicated by ICC Afghanistan Report,” Brett D. Schaefer and Steven Groves take…
Has the ICC Failed Africans?
By Ibtihal Khidir “The Chamber noted factors including the Prosecution’s admission that the evidentiary basis remains insufficient to support a conviction and the Prosecution’s concession that it remains speculative whether…
British Lawyers: Failed ICC Prosecution of Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta “Very, Very Amateur”
By Shawn Macomber It’s not as if one would expect the defense attorneys who secured the dismissal of various crimes against humanity charges against Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta at the International…
No, 2014 wasn’t the ‘warmest year in history’
by Jeff Jacoby • The Boston Globe Unless you’ve spent the last few weeks in solitary meditation on a remote island, you couldn’t miss the wave…
The Alarming Thing About Climate Alarmism
Exaggerated, worst-case claims result in bad policy and they ignore a wealth of encouraging data. by Bjorn Lomborg • The Wall Street Journal It is an…
President Obama wants to limit your retirement savings — but not his own
by Allan Sloan • The Washington Post You can’t keep a bad idea down. That’s my reaction to a terrible proposal in President Obama’s budget —…
Why Is ICANN Hiding The Solution To Its Accountability Problem?
By Peter Roff • The Daily Caller The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers – once an obscure nonprofit that was ostensibly important just to…
The Fiddling with Temperature Data Is the Biggest Science Scandal Ever
New data shows that the “vanishing” of polar ice is not the result of runaway global warming by Christopher Booker • The Telegraph When future generations…
Blowing Holes in the Nuclear Deterrent
by Peter Huessy The President’s budget will be submitted to Congress this week and the annual Department of Defense (DOD) budget at $585 billion is sure to get a lot…
U.S. Not Among Top Nations for Economic Freedom
by Ali Meyer • The United States does not rank among the Top 10 countries in the world for economic freedom, according to the Heritage…
Barack Obama, Corporate Liberal
And secret friend of the one percent. by Jay Cost • The Weekly Standard In last week’s State of the Union address, President Barack Obama came…
Here Comes the Next Obamacare Showdown
by Philip Klein • Washington Examiner If the U.S. Supreme Court rules in June that health insurance subsidies for millions of Americans are illegal, Republicans better…
محكمة الجنايات الدولية…ماهي حقيقتها؟
في اصدار جديد له, العدالة المنفية, كتب الكاتب والمحلل البريطاني الدكتور ديفد هويل عن ما يسمي بمحكمة الجنايات الدولية التي تتمتع بحصانة استثنائية من قبل الدول الاروبية. في هذه السلسلة,…
International Criminal Court News Round Up
By Shawn Macomber Here are five can’t-miss reports and opinion pieces for those keeping tabs on the efforts and excesses of the International Criminal Court… First, citing the botched pursuits…