Missile Defense Priorities for 2015
by Travis Korson, Senior Fellow Introduction As Congress debates the 2015 Defense Appropriations bill, it is important that members fully fund key components of a layered Ballistic Missile Defense System…
The climate pact swindle
by Charles Krauthammer • Washington Post Historic. Such is the ubiquitous description of the climate agreement recently announced in Beijing between Barack Obama and Xi Jinping in which China promised…
The Gathering Storm in Iran
by Peter Huessy The United States and its allies will soon hear whether –once again—Iran will end its nuclear weapons search, masquerading now as a nuclear energy program. What…
Terrorism Risk Insurance Makes Sense
by Peter Roff In just a few short weeks control of the United States Senate floor will pass from the Democrats to the Republicans. This single fact means the political…
What? Me Worry?
Why nuclear deterrent modernization is critical to our longterm security. by Peter Huessy The newest from the Washington Post’s Walter Pincus (“Old Nukes and Old Thinking”, The Washington Post, November…
Terrorism insurance protects American prosperity into the future
by Peter Roff • The Hill In just a few weeks control of the United States Senate floor passes from the Democrats to the Republicans. Because…
More ObamaCare Deception
As Jonathan Gruber knows, the health-care law is a tax machine. The ‘Cadillac’ levy will hit the middle class and hit it hard. by Tevi Troy • …
WhereToWatch.com — how to find your favorite movies and shows
Frontiers of Freedom is a strong supporter of property rights (including intellectual property rights). Property rights encourage individuals and businesses to innovate and invest in new ideas and technologies. We…
What does it say that purposeful lies are central to a political agenda?
When your agenda requires outright lies and purposeful deception, it is time to reevaluate your agenda. by Kyle Smith • New York Post Damn Americans. They just don’t…
Giving up on Obamacare?
The Affordable Care Act has been a disaster for Americans and for the party that imposed it on America. by Burke Beu • Wall Street Journal I grew up…
The Lies Told to Sell ObamaCare
by Charles Krauthammer • Washington Post It’s not exactly the Ems Dispatch (the diplomatic cable Bismarck doctored to provoke the 1870 Franco-Prussian War). But what the just-resurfaced Gruber Confession…
Late to the Challenge: Diminishing American Leadership in the Age of Terror
by Peter Huessy (An address to the Precision Strike Association and the National Defense Industrial Association, at the Johns Hopkins University, October 21, 2014) INTRODUCTION: A year ago, in trying…
Encircling Baghdad: The Country that Became a City-State
by Dr. Larry Franklin ISIS-led anti-government Sunni Islam coalition troops have virtually surrounded Baghdad. Iraq’s largest province, al-Anbar, is almost totally occupied by anti-regime forces. Only a portion of Fallujah…
Hiding Unilateral Disarmament Objectives
by Peter Huessy • Gatestone What the Ploughshares Fund is actually doing with its proposed budget cuts, it appears, is trying to camouflage the objectives of…
President Impervious
by Stephen F Hayes • The Weekly Standard At the end of his opening statement at the traditional postelection presidential press conference, Barack Obama offered this…