Conservatives Right About Obamacare Lies
RealClearPolitics BILL O’REILLY: Obamacare. Now you heard the MIT guy [Jonathan] Gruber saying, you know what? We conned everybody. They weren’t paying attention. They don’t really care. And it’s not…
Conservatives Surprising Edge on Diversity
By John Avlon • CNN Editor’s note: John Avlon is a CNN contributor and senior political columnist for Newsweek and The Daily Beast. He is co-editor…
Cyberlockers: a business model based on selling stolen property
by George Landrith A recent study conducted by NetNames found that in one month alone more than 430 million unique Internet users sought or downloaded copyright infringing music, movies, book,…
JFK, Reagan leadership helped bring down Berlin Wall
by Rick Hampson • USAToday “Ich bin ein Berliner,” John F. Kennedy proclaimed in 1963. Of communism’s defenders, he roared, “Let them come to Berlin!” Standing at the…
Obamacare Architect Admits Deceiving Americans to Pass the Law
In a newly surfaced video, one of Obamacare’s architects admits a “lack of transparency” helped the Obama administration and congressional Democrats pass the Affordable Care Act. “Lack of transparency is a…
Voter Fraud and Voter I.D.
by Thomas Sowell • One of the biggest voter frauds may be the idea promoted by Attorney General Eric Holder and others that there is…
A Rejection of Liberal Democratic Governance
by Fred Barnes • Weekly Standard Republicans won 7 Democratic seats (so far!), lost none, and took control of the Senate. Harry Reid is history. Democrats…
Voters’ Verdict Explodes Liberal Myths
by Byron York • The Washington Examiner As Democratic losses mounted in Senate races across the country on election night, some liberal commentators clung to the…
Protect our Patriots
Not too many years ago, many optimistically argued that the world was becoming, or would shortly become, a safer place. They said the United States had “reset” its relationship with…
A Harsh Referendum for Obama
by Carol E Lee • The Wall Street Journal President Barack Obama hoped the midterm elections would help break the capital’s gridlock. Instead, they became a…
Is Capitalism Environmentally Unsustainable?
The goal must be to find ways for liberty and the environment to flourish together, not to sacrifice one in the vain hope of protecting the other. by Ronald Bailey…
Obamacare, Year One: 78 Percent Premium Hikes
by Sarah Hurtubise • The Daily Caller In its first year, Obamacare hiked health insurance premiums by up to 78 percent, according to a new analysis…
NYT: The Arms Control Community is Upset
by Peter Huessy The arms control community is upset says William Broad of the New York Times. The administration in whom they had trusted to begin the process of eliminating…
Ten Liberal Superstitions
by Kate Bachelder • Wall Street Journal A hallmark of progressive politics is the ability to hold fervent beliefs, in defiance of evidence, that explain how the world…
In Illinois, Vote Fraud Called ‘Calibration Error’
Investors Business Daily As early voting begins in the Land of Lincoln, President Obama casts his ballot and a Republican state senator voting for himself finds that his ballot was…