Ebola Isn’t a Matter of Politics
It’s time the Obama administration handled the crisis without petty finger-pointing. by Peter Roff • US News & World Report Mixing the possibility of a deadly pandemic together…
Spectacular incompetence turns deadly
by Joseph Curl • Washington Times It was only a matter of time. President Obama, a short-term college professor and failed community organizer who became a mostly absentee…
Data points don’t support Obama’s claim that we’re ‘better off’
by the Oklahoman Editorial Board Barack Obama has always seen himself as an agent of change, a la Ronald Reagan. His goal was to do for progressive politics what Reagan…
White House Approving & Disapproving Content of Press Reports
by Paul Farhi • Washington Post White House journalists are creating an alternative system for distributing their media “pool” reports in response to the Obama administration’s involvement in…
A Patriot That Packs a Punch
Congressional approval of a plan to modernize the missile system is critical to U.S. defense. by Peter Roff • US News & World Report Though lulled into a…
Obamacare is in hiding until after the election
How the Administration is obscuring facts about your health insurance until after the election. by Robert Laszewski • USAToday The second Obamacare open enrollment is scheduled to begin…
China unrest and the future of the open internet
by Peter Roff • Washington Times Many of those watching the pro-democracy demonstrations underway right now in Hong Kong are concerned, appropriately, about the impact they will have…
The real unemployment is much higher and most Americans know it
by By Ken Braun • Michigan Live Just one third of Americans know the official unemployment rate is around six percent, according to the latest Pew Research Center News IQ…
Little reason to battle against voter ID laws
by The Oklahoman Editorial Board When they go to the polls in a few weeks, voters in many states, including Oklahoma, will be asked to show some form of identification.…
ObamaCare: The Bad News Continues to Mount
by Robert E. Moffit • National Interest On November 15, open enrollment in the Obamacare exchanges begins again. Before the second act of our national healthcare…
A Feeble Stance on Russian Aggression
by Laurie Ann Mylroie, Ph.D. Despite Ukraine’s September 5 cease-fire, a “protracted conflict” continues in the East, the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights warned Wednesday. Over 3,600 people have…
Making Harding Look Good
The Obama administration has tarnished nearly every major federal agency. by Victor Davis Hanson • National Review Many have described the Obama departure from the 70-year-old bipartisan postwar foreign…
Passing the Buck on ISIS Failures Fits a Clear and Unmistakable Pattern
by Orange County Register What’s the saddest statistic of the political season? Here’s one contender: a Google search for the phrase “Obama ISIS buck pass” yields about 478,000 results. That’s…
Obama’s super slow, trickle-up economy
by New York Daily News Happy days are not yet here again for American workers, regardless of the cheering generated by the government’s latest report on job creation. The number…
If You Like Your Internet, You Can Keep Your Internet. Actually No!
by George Landrith • Townhall Late one Friday afternoon, the Obama Administration announced its plans to cut the Internet loose from U.S. government oversight, giving control to the…