[Movie review] Lincoln: A President Engaged in a Great Civil War
“The genius of ‘Lincoln,’ finally, lies in its vision of politics as a noble, sometimes clumsy dialectic of the exalted and the mundane. Our habit of argument, someone said recently,…
George Washington’s First Inaugural Address
“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered, perhaps, as deeply, as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted…
There Is No Santa Claus and Bill Clinton Was Not an Economic Savior
“In Washington it is common to tout the budget surpluses of the Clinton years as some momentous achievement, as though the point of economic policy is to run budget surpluses.…
December 23, 1776: The Crisis (Thomas Paine)
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods;…
Stossel: It’s the Spending, Stupid!
“Given our growing debt, can’t they even slow the growth of government to the rate of inflation? Or inflation plus 1 percent? . . . That might balance the budget…
[Flashback interview] Retired Senator Malcolm Wallop: “Frontier Freedom”
“America needed to define its interests. . . . The first, foremost obligation is defense of the homeland. . . . (2) We are a trading nation. We need access…
Federal Spending Up 78% After Inflation Since 1998
“If we had kept government spending down to just increases for inflation and population growth, we wouldn’t be in the trouble we’re in now.” by David Hogberg President Obama says…
5 Myths Liberals Have Created About Themselves
“Five Myths: 1) Liberals love science, 2) Liberals care about education, 3) Liberals are tolerant, 4) Liberals don’t moralize, 5) Liberals love the poor.” by John Hawkins Liberalism is like…
Charles Krauthammer: The right-to-work dilemma
“Higher wages or lower unemployment? It is a wrenching choice. . . . Think of the moral calculus. Lower wages cause an incremental decline in one’s well-being. No doubt. But…
The Great Schism in the Environmental Movement
“Green traditionalists . . . publish high-profile papers warning ‘that population growth, widespread destruction of natural ecosystems, and climate change may be driving Earth’ to an irreversible tipping point. .…
William Tucker: Why We Don’t Need a National Energy Plan
“Frederick Hayek dealt with all this in his 1940s classic, The Road to Serfdom, and it’s amazing how you have to keep going over the same old arguments because the…
Why Liberalism Doesn’t Work
“‘This is painful for a liberal to admit,’ admits Nicholas D. Kristof, a Times columnist… ‘but conservatives have a point when they suggest that America’s safety net can sometimes entangle…
The Top Five Energy Stories of 2012
“1) Continued greening of the military, 2) Energy job creation, 3) Shale gas, 4) Carbon, 5) Our power grid’s vulnerabilities.” by Peter Kelly-Detwiler I recently asked a number of friends…
What Margaret Thatcher Said (After Conservatives Suffered Two Defeats in the Mid-70s)
“Do British workers have no deep feelings for freedom, for order, for the education of their children, for the right to work without disruption by political militants? Of course they…
[Flashback review] ‘John Adams,’ Second To None
“Giamatti’s performance is captivating, often poignantly so. . . . Tom Wilkinson has a romp playing Ben Franklin. . . . Stephen Dillane’s Thomas Jefferson is a quiet, introspective scholar.…