Will Liberals Overplay Their (Relatively Weak) Hand?
Investor’s Business Daily There’s no question that Democrats had a good night on Tuesday. But it was nowhere near what the resistance crowd had hoped. The question now is: Can…
Investor’s Business Daily There’s no question that Democrats had a good night on Tuesday. But it was nowhere near what the resistance crowd had hoped. The question now is: Can…
by Jim Geraghty • National Review Republicans lost a bunch of races on Tuesday that they wanted to win. Since Tuesday night, I haven’t seen any riots. I haven’t seen…
By George Will • National Review If this week has proven anything, it’s that we can always go lower. When John Keats said that autumn is the season of “mists…
By Investor’s Business Daily Socialism: Since the Democratic Party took a turn for the worse toward so-called democratic socialism, the party’s leading lights have laid the promises on pretty thick.…
By Ilya Feoktistov • The Federalist Shortly after President Trump’s inauguration, a group of public school history teachers in the posh Boston suburb of Newton pledged to reject the “call…
With the exception of an infinitesimal number of individuals and media outlets, the hate filled, asymmetrical political warfare against President Trump is continuing with unwavering vehemence. The latest fuel on…
By Investor’s Business Daily Money For Nothin’: Apparently not satisfied with the already disastrous condition of its finances, Chicago this week said it would like to experiment with a universal…
By David Harsanyi • The Federalist The other day Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was in Israel to receive an award for her commitment to tikkun olam (“to heal the world”…
By Brian Riedl • Investor’s Business Daily The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) remains controversial, with public opinion evenly split and many Democrats campaigning on repeal. However, the…
By David Harsanyi • The Federalist If you’re under the impression that the system exists merely to facilitate your partisan agenda, it’s not surprising that you also believe it’s “broken”…
By Gary Abernathy • Washington Post Since President Trump’s election, journalists, political scientists and others from across the United States and around the world have visited our little southern Ohio…
By Joy Pullmann • The Federalist In 2015, President Obama told America he only learned that his secretary of state Hillary Clinton was illegally using a private email server to…
By Inez Feltscher Stepman • The Federalist The latest in Facebook-policed “fake news” is a claim echoing through the conservative Twittersphere, including from my own account, that two bills outgoing…
By Willis L. Krumholz • The Federalist The intelligence bureaucracies spied on the Donald Trump campaign: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants were granted because of a Hillary Clinton-funded and unverified…
By The Boston Herald While the Beltway media slept, the Obama administration made hay. From off-mic whispers to Russian leaders, to pursuit and harassment of journalists and political adversaries, to…