Obama’s Bad Math on Islamic Terrorism
by Josh Gelernter • National Review Obama says 99.9 percent of Muslims reject terrorism. His math is bad. Since the Paris attacks last week, a lot…
by Josh Gelernter • National Review Obama says 99.9 percent of Muslims reject terrorism. His math is bad. Since the Paris attacks last week, a lot…
by Matt Barber • Townhall What was President Obama’s immediate and instinctive response to this month’s Islamic terror attacks in Paris? Did he offer prayers for the…
Obama is annoyed with ISIS, but angry with Americans. by Michael Barone • National Review For our president, ISIS is the opponent, but Republicans are the enemy.…
Although the Obama administration currently refuses to temporarily pause its Syrian refugee resettlement program in the United States, the State Department in 2011 stopped processing Iraq refugee requests for six…
But now he says it would be “un-American.” by Hannity.com Staff President Obama has offered some heated rhetoric in response to suggestions that the U.S. might want to reconsider it’s…
by Pam Key • Breitbart Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson said her sources have told her that President Barack…
by Ian Hanchett • Breitbart Representative Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) argued “we need to temporarily suspend this visa waiver program” between the US and Europe because…
Chicks on the Right Even Nancy Pelosi isn’t pressuring House Democrats to fall in lock-step with her precious Barack. According to this, Democrats from the House of Representatives met with…
How nearly seventy ISIS operatives have been arrested in America in the last 18 months — including refugees who had been given safe haven, but ‘turned to terror’ •…
by Andrew McCarthy • National Review As I argued in Faithless Execution, the principal constitutional duty of the chief executive is to execute the laws faithfully.…
By Dave Boyer • The Washington Times When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus…
Stealth agenda to issue rulings on debt, finance, tech transfers by Leo Hohmann • WND At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations…
This article was published on March 20, 2012. By Matt Cover • CNSNews.com Although the national debt under President Barack Obama has increased $4 trillion since…
Say jobs, economy not recovering as quickly as unemployment rate might suggest by Ali Meyer • Washington Free Beacon While the Federal Reserve claims that the…
by Kenneth Bloomquist Standing before an audience of college students, President Obama remarked that “As Americans, we can and should be proud of the progress that our country has made over…