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King Solomon was quoted in Ecclesiastes 1:9: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”  As in King Solomon’s time, these days truth does not matter.  As a result of hate-driven and ideologically distorted narratives, politicians like President Putin and his like-minded fellow despots do not allow themselves to be bothered or confused by facts.  Accordingly, in the dark jungle of fake realities Russia the aggressor has been turned counterintuitively into the victim of Ukrainian belligerence.  The old rules of fabricated evidence are back in play again.  

Historically, wars have always been ruthlessly destructive affairs.  Since their outcomes always having been either winning or losing, monarchs and political leaders more frequently than not have ended up as vulnerable, even lamentable players, in the murderous calculus of local, regional as well as global politics.  In the main, such warrior politicians have not been subject to checks and balances.  As self-appointed narcissistic guardians of the presumed national interests, they could have invoked emergency powers, and thus free themselves from man-made laws as well as moral constraints.  Existing in this God-like penumbra of despotic powers they have unfailingly led their nations and the world into historic catastrophes.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the President of the Russian Federation by the grace of his subjects’ lack of political culture and common sense, has accomplished the time tested Russian feat of gradually downgrading his reign from a benevolent autocrat to a despotic bungler.  While celebrating his “Special Military Operation” cum illegal military invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine,  his over two decades old antediluvian despotism has been writhing in its death pangs.  Now, almost a hundred days after his failed war on Ukraine and counting, President Putin has already made himself a laughingstock across the globe.  His abysmal performance during the May 9th celebrations displayed a slightly deranged person, who has gotten buried up to his neck in his self-generated mis-and-disinformation lies.  Indeed, no politician worth his pound of integrity has any confidence in and respect for him.  The events following February 24, 2022, have proven that President Putin is neither a smart political and military strategist, nor even a good tactician and soldier, but simply a below average gambler, an individual with no persona who oscillates from one vile extreme to the other without any reason, a man no sane person could fear as an enemy, and who deserves no serious consideration.  

Putin’s Russia presents a far greater threat to the peace and stability of Europe and the rest of the world than even China or Iran.  With his childish propaganda of Denazification, for which he cited among other fake evidences the Jewish and originally only Russian speaking President Volodymir Zelenskyy, President Putin’s dezinformacija campaign has been nothing but the ephemeral creation of his KGB-ideology poisoned sick mind.  Thus, contrary to his intentions, his military offensive and his accompanying official Russian Nationality ideology have collapsed, preserving only a political abyss, which has begun swallowing up the Russian nation.

A fix point in this Putin-generated madness is the President of Ukraine, Volodymir Zelenskyy.  His narrative has been straightforward and uncompromising.  A “Putinic” peace would preserve the evolving status quo in its most dangerous form.  Therefore, it is unacceptable.  Russia must withdraw from all the territories it has occupied since 2014, including the Crimea.  Thus, the dismemberment of Ukraine is out of the question.  For the sake of its present and future security, Ukraine, like Finland and Sweden, must join the European Union and NATO.  The burdens of reconstruction must be borne to the fullest by Russia that has illegally invaded his country.  The heinous war crimes committed by the Russian military must be investigated by the international community and the guilty must be punished.  In the ultimate reckoning with Russia’s crimes, all governments and all international organizations must work along the well-established principles of international law and all the relevant bilateral and multilateral agreements.  Among those principles, two are the most important.  The principle that occupying territory does not create sovereignty will help to restore order and stability throughout the European continent.  The other major principle is that political opposition must always be peaceful and not aggressive.         

Thus, in the present situation, the Ukrainian President is one of the few politicians who understands that Russia, with its ephemeral victories and paradoxical wars which will never end will only accomplish the complete destruction of itself.  By chasing the mirage of a superpower and by threatening the entire European system, Putin’s Russia is signing its own death sentence into its unattainable ambitions.  Prevented from realizing that the unrealistic expansion of Russia will definitely end in a strategic cul-de-sac and the continuation of each war will only mean the beginning of new preparations for a greater one, President Putin’s dream of a restoration of the Empire will perish because he cannot comprehend that civilized states must renounce in their relations with other states the exclusive use of violence.  Otherwise, Russia’s cruel games of political insanity will isolate it from the rest of the world forever.  

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